Julia Boix-Vives's Blog

Julia Boix-Vives is born in the montain area : Savoie - France. She is living and working in Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Performances, multimedia installations, animations, fotos and graphics are the artistic medias she uses to express her intimate universe popping up from her unconscious, dreams and wanderings …


view of the installation Woman with a net @ Galerie Nasty Alice

Femme au filet

Série photo d'une femme prise dans un filet de pêche noir.
L'installation se compose d'une série de 12 photos format 32x24 cm dispersées au sol, encadrées  entre deux verres ainsi qu'un diaporama de la série diffusée sur un moniteur installé sur un trépied. On peut s'isoler sous un rideau noir pour le regarder.

Woman with a net

Photo series of a woman caught in a black fishing net.
The installation consists of a series of 12 photographs - size 32x24 cm, sandwiched between two glass plates - spread across the floor. And also a slide-show of the series that is shown on a lcd-screen on a tripod. One can watch it, covering oneself with a black curtain.

diaporama femme au filet from Julia Boix-Vives on Vimeo.